A Preliminary Survey on Facilities Management Functions in Value Management Process in The Construction Stage

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Nordiana Mohd Isa
Syahrul Nizam Kamaruzzaman
Othman Mohamed


Generally, Facilities Management (FM) managers play an important role in providing their input and knowledge of operation and maintenance in the process of Value Management (VM). Accordingly, an extensive literature review was conducted by the current research, followed by (Isa, Kamaruzzaman, Mohamed, & Berawi, 2017) a preliminary survey that was aimed to confirm the FM functions obtained from the literature review phase. In the case of the present study, the preliminary survey or semi-structured interviews were carried out with a total of six experts due to their ability to confirm the factors. Meanwhile, descriptive statistics and content validity index (CVI) were adopted in the present study as the means of analysing the response data. In addition, a total of fifty items that belong to seven latent constructs managed to be developed from the literature review. More importantly, the results of the content validity analysis showed that the item-CVI values for six of the items were less than the cut-off value of 0.78 which was accompanied with a change of 50 to 44 items. Overall, it should be noted that the contribution of the current research is in the form of support to professionals and academicians which is believed to enhance their understanding on the importance of FM involvement in the VM process.


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