Implementation Framework of Green Building for Government Building: Menara Kerja Raya, Malaysia

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Shiela Sharif
Syahrul Nizam Kamaruzzaman
Michael Pitt


The purpose of this study is to develop the implementation of the framework of the government green building (GB) project in Malaysia. The research intended to investigate the factors involved in the development of the framework and significant relationships that exist among the factors. A total of 30 respondents were selected from Menara Kerja Raya (MKR) project team that included engineers, assistant engineers, technical assistant, stakeholders, contractors, and consultants. The pilot test analysis was conducted using the quantitative analysis and hypothesis testing through SPSS 22.0. In conclusion, the ‘types of project execution’ was the main factor to make the successful delivery of the GB projects followed by project management and policies guidelines, project staff perceptions, and the government policies. This framework would contribute to the existence of the GB implementation as well as serve as a basic platform for efficient and systematic execution of its projects in Malaysia. It is hoped that the implementation of this framework could promote the success of GB delivery, especially to the Malaysian government projects.


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