Dimensions of School Effectiveness: A Study at Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Level in Pakistan


  • Niaz Ali
  • Sailesh Sharma
  • Sathiamoorthy Kannan


Dimensions of school effectiveness, model of school effectiveness, quality assurance in schools, education process


This study was aimed to find out the dimensions of school effectiveness based on the national education policies of Pakistan to assess school effectiveness in the context of KP province. The study was conducted in two phases, qualitative and quantitative respectively. In the first phase, total 100 of the teachers, principals, education officers, and intellectuals from parents were asked to write the most important dimensions of school effectiveness as they perceive through. Based on the data, twenty dimensions were found most common which were selected for the next quantitative phase for validation. In the second phase 367 teachers, including one district education officer, two sub-district education officers, two assistant sub district education officers, two principal and ten parents (total 384 respondents) were studied. The data was analyzed through analysis techniques using SPSS. The analysis found three dimensions with thirteen sub-dimensions of the development of school effectiveness modes. The school effectiveness model established through this study provides useful information for enhancing school effectiveness in Pakistani schools and its implementation will assure school effectiveness in the context.



