About the Journal

Educational Leader (PEMIMPIN PENDIDIKAN)

e-ISSN:  2601-0011

Dear Esteemed Contributors and Readers,

I am writing to you in my capacity as the Editor-in-Chief of PEMIMPIN (Educational Leader) Journal to share an important update regarding the future of our publication.

After thoughtful consideration and review, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue the publication of PEMIMPIN Journal in 2024. This decision comes as a response to a variety of strategic factors, and while it is a challenging one, we believe it is necessary to best serve the evolving needs of our academic community.

We deeply value the contributions and insights that you, our authors and readers, have provided over the years. Your innovative research and scholarly articles have been integral to the journal’s success and have enriched the field of educational leadership immensely.

As we prepare to bring our publication to a close, we encourage you not to see this as an endpoint but as an opportunity to seek new platforms to disseminate your important work. There are numerous journals within our field and beyond, which will benefit greatly from your contributions. We urge you to continue your pursuits in educational research and scholarship with the same fervor.

Thank you for your commitment and contributions to PEMIMPIN Journal. We wish you all the best in your future academic endeavors and scholarly work. It has been a privilege to work with each one of you.

Warm regards,

Editor-in-Chief, PEMIMPIN (Educational Leader) Journal