The Effect of School Bureaucracy on the Relationship between School Principal Leadership Practices and Teacher Commitment in Malaysia Secondary Schools


  • Hong Kean Teoh


Pedagogical Innovations, pedagogical practices, strategy of technology integration, student-centred learning


The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between principal leadership practices, teacher commitment and school bureaucracy, as well as investigating the mediating effect of school bureaucracy in enhancing teacher commitment in Malaysian secondary schools. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) was used to develop a mediation model in explaining the underlying mechanism of the effect of school bureaucracy on the relationship between principal leadership practices and teacher commitment. The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between leadership practices and teacher commitment in the schools, and the relationship was partially mediated by school bureaucracy. The findings could be taken into account by local educational leaders in their endeavor to improve the effectiveness of their teachers in schools.



