Forming Attitude towards Teaching Profession among Pre-Service Teachers in Osun State, Nigeria

Membentuk Sikap terhadap Profesion Keguruan dalam Kalangan Guru Pelatih di Negeri Osun, Nigeria


  • Thomas Ajibade Adebisi
  • Esther Omomize Dania


Forming attitude, pre-service teachers, teaching profession


This study was designed to assess forming attitude of pre-service teachers towards teaching profession in Osun State, Nigeria. This was carried out in the dimensions of pre-service teachers’ preview towards teaching profession, their belief on the use of instructional materials, attitude showed towards classroom management. The study further investigated the difference in the preview of male and female pre-service teachers towards teaching profession, finally it investigated the difference in the preview of science and non-science pre-service teachers towards teaching profession using descriptive survey research design method. A purposive sample of 462 pre-service teachers from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife and Osun State University, Ipetu-Ijesha, Nigeria participated in the study. A well-constructed questionnaire addressing the variables under study were used to collect data after validation from experts’ judgement. Data collected were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions, and the hypotheses were tested using t-test statistical tool. The result of the study showed that pre-service teachers have a positive preview towards teaching profession, right belief on the use of instructional materials and positive attitude towards classroom management. The result of the findings further showed that there is a significant difference in the preview of male and female pre-service teachers in the context of their forming attitude towards teaching profession; and, also, between science and non-science pre-service teachers towards teaching profession. Recommendations were made to improve forming attitude of pre-service teachers during their training period.



