Development of the Effective School Model: A Delphi Study

Pernbentukan Model Sekolah Berkesan Malaysia; Satu Kajian Delphi


  • Shahril @ Charil Marzuki
  • Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani
  • Saedah Siraj


Effective School Mode, Delphi technique, expert consensus, Malaysia


The purpose of this research is to develop an effective school model based on the Malaysian context to obtain experts' consensus, the Delphi Technique has been chosen as the method of study. Fifteen experts from various fields with wide experience on school leadership have been chosen as respondents. The use of four rounds Delphi Techniques in this study has successfully identified seven contributory aspects and their strategies to make a school more effective. Furthermore, the experts' consensus has also agreed that all 138 items in the fourth round of the Delphi Technique can be used as the content of the Malay­sian Effective School Model



