Organizational Culture in Islamic and Missionary schools in West Sumatera, Indonesia

Budaya Organisasi Sekolah Yayasan Islam Dan Yayasan Kristiani Di Sumatera Barat, Indonesia


  • Jainabee Md Kassim
  • Darma Wati


organizational culture, effective school culture, missionary school, West Sumatera


Culture of an organization is often based on various elements. A study about organizational culture in Islamic and Missionary schools in West Sumatera was conducted in 2007. The aim was to get a feedback about organizational culture from 508 teachers that are 247 from Islamic schools and 261 from Missionary schools in West Sumatera. The conceptual framework is based on framework used and adapted by Jainabee, from Organizational Psychology: Framework for Understanding Organizational Culture by Law son and Zheng Shen (1998) and Survey of Organizations by Taylor and Bowers. This article discusses The findings of three organizational cultural elements studied, that are vision and mission, climate and leadership, based on the perceptions of 600 teachers. The results show that respondents from Islamic and Missionary schools strongly agree with the cultural elements of vision and mission, climate and leadership. In the context of comparison, min value of organizational culture as a whole was found to be higher in Missionary schools. As such, there is an urgent need 10 examine the strength and weaknesses of organizational cultural practices in both types of schools, so as to inculcate an effective school culture.



