Moral and Ethical in Leadership: A Study on a Secondary School Principal in Kuala Selangor

Etika Dan Moral Dalam Kepimpinan: Kajian Ke Atas Seorang Pengetua Sekolah Menengah Harian Di Kuala Selangor


  • Rahmat Mardi
  • Zulkifli A. Manaf


moral, ethical leadership secondary school, principal, Kuala Selangor


This study aims to examine the teachers' perceptions on the level of moral and ethical behaviors in leadership of a principal at a secondary school. A total of 50 teachers were randomly selected as the sample of the study. This study uses a questionnaire constructed by the researcher based on The Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ). Pilot study on the questionnaire showed a high reliability coefficient value. Results showed that the level of ethics and moral behaviors in leadership of the principal are high. No significant differences for the three dimensions of ethical and moral leadership behaviors according to gender. The study also indicated that the teachers are highly aware of the principal's ethics and moral behaviors in leadership



