Relationship between Teacher and Student's Resiliency Levels with Students' Performance

Hubungan Antara Tahap Resiliensi Guru Dan Pelajar Dengan Prestasi Sekolah


  • Norfadzlianawaty Mohd Fathel
  • Zulkifli A. Manaf


The aim of this experimental designed and quantitative survey research was conducted to identify: (1) the resiliency level of the school teachers (n = 119) and students (n = 230), and (2) identify whether there was significant difference in resiliencies between the male and female students. The study was based on the model of teacher resiliency in action. Six resiliency elements in the modals which were the focus of the study were (1) pro-social bonding, (2) clear, consistent boundaries, (3) teaching life skills, (4) caring and support, (5) high expectation, and (6) opportunities for meaningful participation. Overall results indicated that teachers and students in the school with a better performance showed a higher level of resiliency.



