The Effectiveness of the Staff Development Programme in a Tamil School in Klang

Keberkesanan Program Perkembangan Staf Dalam Sebuah Sekolah Tamil Di Klang


  • Subramaniam Batu Malai Velu
  • Sathiamoorthy Kannan


staff development programme, programme planning, Tamil school, Klang


The main purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of a staff development programme in a Tamil school. Four aspects have been observed in this study, namely (1) programme planning, (2) implementation, (3) beneficial of the programme, and (4) monitoring and evaluation of the programme. This study also reviewed various activities under the programme which have been carried out by the school administrators or teachers. The study sample, consisted of 40 teachers, was randomly selected from the school population. A quantitative method was used in this study where a set of questionnaire was distributed to the sample. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results indicated that the staff development program has been carried out to improve the knowledge of the teachers, as well as improving their skills and understanding so that they can carry out their teaching more effectively. Exchange of opinions and ideas among the teachers were observed. However, activities such as workshops conducted by the headmasters and senior assistants; getting information from the internet; and reading education journals were found in a relatively low level. Overall, the findings indicated that the implementation of the staff development programme in school was at a moderate level and the school should strive to increase the level of implementation of the programme.



