Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Teachers' Job Satisfaction


  • Fatt Hee Tie
  • Mohamad Zabidi Abdullah


transformational leadership style, teacher's job satisfaction, charismatic dimension, job satisfaction


This study was conducted to examine the relationship between p1iocipals' transformational leadership style and teachers' job satisfaction. Principals' transformational leadership style was determined using a questionnaire adapted from the Multi-factor Leadership Questionnaire. Teachers' job satisfaction was measured based 011 Herzberg's two factor theory (1966) 8Jld adapted from a research conducted by Tay (2007). A total of 73 teachers from a secondary school participated i n the study. The results showed that the mean score for the charismatic dimension was the highest in the transformational leadership domain. There were no significant differences in the mean ranking of the principal's transforma1io11al leadership according to gender and years of reaching experience.111e results also showed that there were no significant differences in the mean ranking for job satisfaction according to gender. However, the results showed there is a moderate but significant relationship between the principal's transformational leadership and teacher's job satisfaction.



