Emotional Intelligence in High School Principals in Thailand


  • Sailesh Sharma


emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence branch score


Emotional intelligence is a popular construct among the public due to the claim that it has the potential to increase work saiisfac1iou, better relationships, and improve deviant behaviors. Apart from the claim that emotional intelligence improves quality of Life. Theorists of emotional intelligence also assert that leaders who are emotionally intelligent are also responsible for school effectiveness .The present study focuses on the examination of Emotional Intelligence levels of principals of effective schools in Thailand. The Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test was given to seventy principals, thirty five each from two categories of schools, one government schools with excellent Quality Assurance Rating and second private schools with excellent quality assurance rating. The result indicates that principals from both categories of school do not differ in levels of Emotional Intelligence and four branches of emotional intelligence as well.



