Principal's Leadership Style and Teachers' Commitment in a Secondary School


  • Fatt Hee Tie
  • Abu Hasmadi A Bakar


principal, leadership style, problem solving, social function, teacher commitment


This study examines the relationship between principals' leadership style and teacher’s commitment in a secondary school. The subjects of the study consist of 65 teaches. Two instruments were used to obtain data. That is:- a modified version of the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ); and an adapted version of the Organisation Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ).The findings showed that the mean for the problem solving function leadership style was higher than the mean for the social function dimension. The overall mean score for teacher's commitment was high. There were no significant differences between the leadership style of the principal and gender, age, and years of teaching experience for both the dimensions of problem solving and social function. There was a strong and significant relationship between the problem-solving leadership style of the principal and commitment of the teachers. However, there is a moderately strong and significant relationship between the social function leadership style of the principal and teacher's commitment



