Murabbi Leadership Model in MRSM and Malaysian Secondary Schools

Model Kepimpinan Murabbi di MRSM dan Sekolah Menengah di Malaysia


  • Nik Mustafa Mat Ail
  • Zuraidah Abdullah


MRSM, Delphi technique, SEM analysis and Murabbi


This research aims at developing Murabbi Leadership model in Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM) as well as in the secondary schools in Malaysia. The three iteration rounds of Delphi technique is used in the research which involved the needs analysis phase, the design phase and the assessment phase. As for the needs analysis phase, the data is collected via the semi-structured interview protocol involving 24 respondents. The design phase is conducted by using the three iteration rounds technique to answer the three research questions. In the first iteration round, 15 experts were interviewed. The data for assessment phase was collected with a survey on 570 respondents from MRSM and Secondary schools from 11 states in Malaysia. The data from this phase answered the three research questions and was analysed using SPSS software version 2.0 together with Amos version 16.. The data exhibits four dimensions and 13 main criteria of Murabbi Leadership Model. The four dimensions are Tawhid, Worship, Shari’a and Manners. The Murabbi Leadership Model is fit and rather significant with the structural equation model as well as the research data gathered (CSq=1413.99, P=.00, GFI=.84, AGFI=.82, CFI=.92, RMSEA.07, CMIN/DF=3.81 dan TLI.91). This research suggests that the Murabbi Leadership Model can serve a purpose of reference in moulding excellent teachers that share the same ground with National Education Philosophy.



