School Effectiveness Embedded In Intellectual Capital Development: A Case Study


  • Muhammad Niqab Muhammad
  • Sailesh Sharma
  • Sathiamoorthy Kannan


Intellectual capital, human capital, social capital, structural capital, school effectiveness


The paper aims to provide assistance to secondary schools in Pakistan in the process of developing their ability to identify gauge and manage and value their intangible assets i.e. intellectual capital. This study used structured survey instrument to collect data from 31 secondary school teachers working in schools being operated under Federal Government, Pakistan Army and Air force (Fizaia) and affiliated with FBISE Islamabad, situated in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. Results of the study illustrate that human capital is ranked highest among indicators of intellectual capital. Interestingly skills and abilities are found at lowest level. The study suggests training need analysis (TNA) for effective training which can enhance the skills and abilities of the teachers.



