A Comparative Study on Chinese Architecture in Peninsular Malaysia and Mainland China

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Somayeh Armani
Ezrin Arbi


Chinese architecture is one of the most prevailing architectural styles in Peninsular Malaysia, which
is inspired from architectural specimens in Mainland China. It can be stated that the Chinese
structures in the Peninsula are variations of Chinese architecture in Mainland China since the Chinese
builders in this area have faced the long journey of migration, assimilation and integration with new
culture and environment. This paper intends to focus on this architecture, its various typology and
characteristics, and comprehend it in deeper levels by providing comparison between this
architectural style in Peninsular Malaysia and Mainland China. To achieve this goal, this article
applied Historical-Comparative Research method, during which a variety of evidence concerning
classical Chinese architecture in Mainland China as well as Peninsular Malaysia was compared and
interpreted. Findings in this article show that Chinese architecture in Peninsular Malaysia mainly
follows Southern China’s architectural style, whilst Northern China’s architectural influence is
perceivable in the later stage of its development.

Keywords: classical Northern China’s architecture, Southern China’s architecture, Chinese
architecture in Peninsular Malaysia


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