Urban Recreational Riverfronts: Successful Revitalisation Elements

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Hazreena Hussein


This research identifies characteristics, which are the Theme, Identity, Functions and Authenticity of some current riverfront developments, mainly focusing in urban areas. The study began with the evolution of an urban riverfront, including understanding how early settlements were established along the rivers, later forming the towm, leading to the present day cities and their inherent traditional urban culture value . Case studies selected were from South East Asia within Singapore and Sarawak in Malaysia. These examples will then be compared with London and Boston, USA. Much attention will be given to paying high respect to the cities' character and to acknowledging the historical and cultural background of the city where they are set by scrutinising their characteristics. The conclusion will be systematically analysed on design elements and careful considerations through design planning and sensitive approaches.
Keywords: Urball Riverfront Revitalisation,Theme, Idelltify, Functions, Authenticity


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