A Review of Solar Energy and the Built Environment

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Raha Sulaiman


Solar Energy has been acknowledged as a free and infinite source of energy . In Built Environment (BE), solar energy has been used since pre-historic time. Many improvements and technologies have been developed with respect to their potential. As solar supplies free energy, the issues with regard to their development in the BE will be examined . The solar energy is used in building either in Passive Solar Design (PSD) or Active Solar Design (ASD). Rapid development in BE has caused global warming effect where the heating and cooling of the building contribute to half the
total energy consumption of the nation and the construction industry leading to C02 emission level at 300 million tonnes. It is found that solar energy produces different energy performances which result from different building technique that affected the environment in various ways. Whether or not the energy performances depend on the materials used, the equipment installed in the building or the energy sources supplied to the building , the improvement and development of solar energy still continues and grows.
Keywords: Solar energy, Active solar design, Passive solardesign, C02emission,Global warming


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