The Architectural Analysis of the Illuminance Level in the Workspace, Using Natural and Artificial Lighting in Graha Pena Building in Makassar, Indonesia

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Nurul Jamala
Ramli Rahim
Sharyzee Mohamad Shukri


Energy-efficient building design models are one of the factors that need to be considered in building planning. In the morning to evening, sunlight as a source of natural light can be used as a source of lighting in buildings. By utilizing natural light, it will reduce energy consumption in buildings. Air conditioning and lighting are important factors in designing energy efficient buildings. In this study, analyzing natural and artificial lighting at Graha Pena Makassar Building. The research method is quantitative by measuring and analyzing several workspaces that are directly and indirectly related to openings in the building envelope. statistical descriptive analysis, namely entering data into tables and graphs, then analyzing the level of illumination in the analyzed workspace. The research objective was to determine the level of illuminance in several workspaces with different orientations. How is the effect of natural light distribution on building orientation and how is the artificial lighting system at workspace in the Graha Pena Makassar. The results showed that the orientation of the building had an effect on the distribution of natural light into the space. The spatial orientation facing East has a higher distribution of natural light than that of the south. Workspaces that are not directly related to window openings in the building envelope are using artificial lighting systems in the form of lights. The workspace has uneven illumination levels in its work area, because the layout and placement of lighting points have not been well planned. The contribution of this research is a reference in designing a building facade design with an attractive appearance, and can maximize the use of solar energy as a source of natural lighting, while still paying attention to the visual comfort of space users.


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