How does street trading activities keep Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur a living cultural enclave?

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Angelyn Tan 'G'-Ling
Asrul Aminuddin


This study aims to discover the factors that contribute to the continued success of street trading activities in Chinatown Kuala Lumpur and investigate how these informal economies remains relevant in a modern city. The street trading activities have sustained the place as a living cultural enclave through the robustness of street activities, high pedestrian traffic and the attractive street life experience. The objectives of this study is to find the success factors of the site as a guideline for streets to remain active public spaces and for similar cultural enclaves to be allowed to thrive as living heritage of a city. The mixed method approach through site observation and census-like survey captured an all-inclusive reading of the tangible and intangible aspects of the site. Based on the findings of this research, six emerging characteristics of the street trading activities were identified: high concentration of business activities, variety of choices, availability of food, lively outdoor atmosphere, promotes street walkability and extended business hours. This paper serves to offer a new perspective on sustainable urban planning approaches especially in parts of old city quarters as wells as cultural or ethnic enclaves where the organic place making, some haphazardness and a sustainable living community are recognised and celebrated as exciting characters in the urban fabric of the city.


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