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Wan Sakiah Wan Ngah
Kamarulzaman Abdul Ghani
Maimun Aqsha Lubis


A suitable and positive environment in learning Arabic Language is considered as an essential matter especially in reading comprehension. In fact, this is because learning Arabic as a second language at school is craving for supportive environment that focuses on the language. The learning environment highlighted in this study refers to the parents / family, schools and community environments. This study used quantitative methods. The samples such as Year Five Arabic j-QAF students were taken from the program in four states in Peninsular Malaysia: Kedah, Selangor, Melaka and Terengganu. The instrument used was adapted from Mohd Aderi (2008). The data were analyzed using SPSS version 19. These findings demonstrated overall mean score of reading comprehension in Arabic learning environments is at moderate level (mean = 3.44). More specifically this data indicated the environment of parents / families is at low level (mean = 3.25), the school setting at moderate level (mean = 3.74) and community environment at low level (mean = 2.96). Apart from that, the findings of inferential analysis found significant differences between school location (urban and rural schools) on the learning environment in Arabic reading comprehension. The t-value for comparison between rural and urban schools is t = -11. 689 and at a significant level of p = .000. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho1) was totally rejected. The mean value of rural schools indicated a higher value (3.92) compared with a mean of urban schools (2.96), indicating that the level of reading comprehension or learning environment in rural schools is better than the Arabic learning environment in the city. This study suggests that the learning environment, especially that focused on reading comprehension needs enhancement through efforts from various parties including parents / family, school and community.  


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