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Mamika Ujianita Romdhini
Athirah Nawawi


For a finite group G, let Z(G) be the centre of G. Then the non-commuting graph on G, denoted by ΓG, has G\Z(G) as its vertex set with two distinct vertices vp and vq joined by an edge whenever vpvq vqvp. The degree sum matrix of a graph is a square matrix whose (p,q)-th entry is dvp + dvq whenever p is different from q, otherwise, it is zero, where dvi is the degree of the vertex vi. This study presents the general formula for the degree sum energy, EDS (ΓG), for the non-commuting graph of dihedral groups of order 2n, D2n, for all n ≥ 3.


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How to Cite
Mamika Ujianita Romdhini, & Nawawi, A. . (2022). DEGREE SUM ENERGY OF NON-COMMUTING GRAPH FOR DIHEDRAL GROUPS . Malaysian Journal of Science, 41(sp1), 34–39.


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