The Method of Harmonization in Determining Diyya-Based Compensation Value for Road Traffic Accident Cases in Malaysia


  • Siti Aisyah Samudin University of Malaya, Malaysia


diyya, compensation, harmonization, damages, road traffic accident


The practice of the conventional legal system implemented in Malaysia in terms of implementation and legal reference has not guaranteed the protection of victims as a whole. The quantum determination of damages sems to be complicated and not fixed as the proof depends heavily on the element of expectation and subject to the results of previous cases. This is in contrast to the Islamic method of damages which provides for a simpler and clearer method of awarding quantum of damages with a fixed rate for death and physical injury through the method of diyya and arsh in addition to space for the judge’s discretion for material and future damages based on ḥukūmah al-‘adl. This article assesses the space of harmony in determining the value of damages based on diat diat for road accident cases in Malaysia. The method used in collecting the data is upon observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed comparatively and content. The results found that the implementation of Islamic compensation through the diyya method emphasizes the element of rehabilitation between the victim and the liable. Diyya also highlighted that the rate of compensation is fixed but still has room for the judge’s discretion, as well as being able to balance justice between the victim and the party issuing the compensation.



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