The Relevance of the Earth Charter as the NGO in Promoting Dialogue Across Values and Cultures


  • Kok Kheng Lee


The Earth Charter itself is an outstanding example of a decade long, worldwide and cross cultural dialogue on common goals and shared values that can enable mankind to develop a just, sustainable and peaceful society in the 21st century. It encourages us to search for similarity in the midst of our diversity and to embrac the correct global ethics in order to bring about respect and care for the community of life; ecological integrity; social and economic justice; democracy, nonviolence and peace. However, to transform all these brilliant Earth Charter ideologies into action and sustainable development, it demands on each and every individual an undertaking to self-reform in order to be commited to the aspirations of the Earth Charter. Since the launch of the Earth Charter Initiative in 2000, many NGOs have made unrelenting efforts to disseminate the values and vision of the Earth Charter to many people around the world. To date the Earth Charter has been formally endorsed by 2,446 organizations and local governments. 780 organizations in the United States represent over 40 million people. It is through numerous dialogue sessions, seminars and conferences conducted by the NGOs that inner changes in individual's thinking and way of life take place. However, to ensure sustainable and greater success of the Earth Charter, more youth particiption in the global Earth Charter  Intiative is essential.


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How to Cite

Lee, K. K. (2011). The Relevance of the Earth Charter as the NGO in Promoting Dialogue Across Values and Cultures. KATHA- The Official Journal of the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, 7(1), 56–65. Retrieved from



Research Article