Sinan: Tokoh Arkitek Genius Dawlah 'Uthmaniyyah

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Farid Mat Zain
Ezad Azraai Jamsari


Sinan was a military administrator and an architect during the Ottoman Empire. The purpose of this article is to highlight him as a prominent figure in Islamic Architecture. His work namely the Sehzade Mosque, the Suleymaniye Mosque and the Selimiye Mosque, are regarded as the epitome of unique Islamic architecture throughout history. His pioneering concept of "the organization of space and dome construction" had won him the title, 'the genius architect' of the Ottoman Empire.


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How to Cite
Mat Zain, F., & Jamsari, E. A. (2000). Sinan: Tokoh Arkitek Genius Dawlah ’Uthmaniyyah. Jurnal Usuluddin, 11, 33–44. Retrieved from